OtterLife App Payment Protocol

This Service Agreement is an agreement between you (also referred to as “User”, including any person who uses the Otter Life App Service in a legal manner, not limited to natural persons or organizations) and Ningbo Yifu Technology Co. (“Agreement”). Before you use the Otter Life App top-up service, please read carefully and fully understand the content of the terms and conditions described below, especially the terms and conditions that limit, exclude or exclude liability, and the terms and conditions that limit, exclude or exclude liability will be brought to your attention in the form of bolded pairs of fonts. Otter Life App’s network service is not provided for minors, and this top-up service is part of Otter Life App’s network service, therefore, if you are a minor under 18 years old, please do not use this top-up service.

Please do not use this service unless you fully accept all the terms and conditions of this agreement and agree to follow the instructions on the page to complete all the top-up procedures (Note: If Otter Life App has issued rules for various activities launched from time to time, you should participate in the activities under the premise that you also approve the rules of the activities). If you choose to recharge, use the function related to this recharge service such as gift or consumption, you are deemed to have fully understood and agreed to sign this agreement and promised to accept the binding of this agreement as a party to the agreement. If you have any questions, objections or cannot accurately understand any of the terms of this agreement, you can contact us (可发送邮件至cheng@Otter and we will provide you with answers as soon as possible.

In order to ensure the stability and security of the service, after the successful recharge, unless the situation is in accordance with the laws and regulations or judged by the relevant departments, Otter Life App does not support the reverse exchange service of converting the virtual currency after the successful recharge into legal tender, and if you have relevant claims, you have the responsibility to provide the corresponding valid proof to Otter Life App. For this reason, Otter Life App especially reminds you that

This top-up service is not available for minors as part of Otter Life App’s service content, and you should not use this top-up service if you are a minor under 18 years old. If you use the top-up service under this agreement, you should confirm and promise that you are not a minor under the age of 18, and you should bear the consequences of the relevant actions. 2.

  1. The user guarantees the legality of the source and use of the top-up funds. The user shall guarantee that the funds for using Otter Life App top-up service are legal income, and the source of the relevant funds is in accordance with the law, not illegal income and illegal proceeds from drug crimes, crimes of triad nature, crimes of terrorist activities, smuggling crimes, crimes of corruption and bribery, crimes of disrupting financial management order, crimes of financial fraud, etc., and guarantee that the virtual currency obtained after top-up will be used for legal ways and never for Any illegal purpose. Otherwise, once found, Otter Life App has the right to take measures against the relevant accounts and personnel and report to the relevant departments in accordance with the agreement of this agreement and laws and regulations.

I. Rules of purchase and use

  1. Otter Life fruit is the virtual currency provided by Otter Life App team to you for relevant consumption on this platform, and you can use Otter Life fruit to purchase/exchange the corresponding business or service provided by Otter Life App platform. However, as indicated above, after the successful recharge, unless it meets the relevant laws and regulations or is judged and has a valid proof, otherwise Otter Life App does not support the reverse exchange services such as refund or cash out, you should purchase rationally according to your actual needs.
  2. Otter Life App reserves the right to unilaterally change, adjust, suspend or terminate the rules of purchasing Otter Life fruit according to the relevant laws and regulations, the requirements of the competent departments and the business development and other factors. At that time, Otter Life App will also notify in a reasonable way such as platform announcement or system notice. If you continue to use the corresponding service, you will be deemed to agree to accept the change, adjustment, suspension or termination of the above purchase rules.
  3. When using the recharge service, please make sure you carefully confirm your account number and carefully select the relevant operation options. At the same time, we also remind you that Otter Life App will take measures to protect the security of your account but can not make a complete guarantee, you are responsible for keeping the security of your account and password. If your account number is wrongly entered or improperly operated by yourself, you will be responsible for the consequences and Otter Life App will not make any compensation or indemnity for the damages caused by wrong account number, wrong type of recharge or improper storage of account number and password.
  4. Please make sure you top up through the official channel of Otter Life App. If you top up in illegal way or use the top-up method not designated by the platform, the platform does not guarantee the smooth or correct completion of the top-up. Moreover, this behavior is a serious interference and damage to the service order of Otter Life App, and seriously infringes the legitimate rights and interests of Otter Life App and related parties. Once found, Otter Life App has the right to terminate your account qualification and the right to use all top-up services without notice, and reserves the right to pursue your (and related subjects) legal responsibility. The result and responsibility caused by this shall be your own responsibility.
  5. In order to protect the safety of your account, if Otter Life App finds that your account has abnormal or may have illegal and irregular situation, Otter Life App has the right to make unilateral judgment and take measures such as rejecting the payment behavior under the account and freezing the account according to the situation.
  6. If there is a system failure or any other reason that leads to processing error, whether it is in favor of the platform or in favor of you, Otter Life App has the right to take measures to correct the error after informing you by email, SMS or other reasonable ways, as the case may be.
    6.1 If such measures result in the actual number of Otter Life Fruits received by you being less than the number of Otter Life Fruits you should have received, the Platform will make up the difference to your account as soon as possible after confirming such processing error.

6.2 If the error results in the actual number of Otter Life Fruits received by you being more than the number of Otter Life Fruits you should have received, the Platform shall have the right to deduct the corresponding difference from your account.

  1. If you use the services under this Agreement in violation of national laws and regulations, this Agreement or other rules of management of the Platform for users or in violation of your agreement with the Platform, the Platform has the right to temporarily or permanently ban your account (including measures to temporarily or permanently restrict your use of the services under this Agreement). After the account is blocked, until the account is unblocked (if any), the remaining Otter Life fruit on your account will be temporarily frozen, and if there is damage or loss, the Otter Life fruit may be partially or fully deducted to compensate for the relevant loss.

II. Your rights and obligations

  1. Your rights

1.1 You have the right to top up and use the relevant services in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

1.2 You may request Otter Life App to promptly publicize the rules of use related to the service and make comments or suggestions and complaints about the relevant activities.

1.3 When you find that your account or password is illegally used by others or there are other abnormal conditions, you should notify Otter Life App in time so that Otter Life App can take emergency measures according to the relevant requirements.

1.4 If you have disputes with other users in the process of trading on Otter Life App platform because of this top-up service, you can request Otter Life App to coordinate from it. If you find that other users have illegal or violated this agreement, you can report to Otter Life App. If you have a lawsuit with other users because of this recharge service, you have the right to request Otter Life App to provide relevant information through judicial department.

  1. Your Obligations

2.1 You are obliged to ensure that the information and registration information you provide to Otter Life App is true and accurate, and such part of information and registration information includes but not limited to real name, ID number, contact telephone number, address, postal code, etc., to ensure that Otter Life App can contact you through the above contact information. At the same time, when the above information is changed, you are obliged to update the relevant registration information in time.

2.2 You shall not sell or transfer the Otter Life fruit for compensation by any direct or indirect means. Once found, Otter Life App has the right to directly take necessary measures including freezing the account and blocking your account to ensure the safety and reduce the loss, and reserves the right to recover the direct or indirect economic loss caused to Otter Life App by the relevant illegal and irregular transactions through legal means.

2.3 You shall not maliciously register Otter Life App account for this top-up service by any means, including but not limited to registering multiple accounts for the purpose of profit, speculation, cashing out, awarding, etc., or stealing other user accounts. Once found, Otter Life App has the right to directly take necessary measures including freezing the account, blocking your account to protect the security and reduce the loss, and reserves the right to recover any direct or indirect loss caused to Otter Life App by legal means due to the relevant illegal and irregular transactions.

2.4 Otter Life fruit is only used for purchasing various paid services provided by Otter Life App, and you are strictly prohibited from using Otter Life fruit for any form of gambling, money laundering and other illegal acts in a direct or indirect way. Once found, Otter Life App has the right to directly take necessary measures including freezing the account and blocking your account to protect the security and reduce the loss, and reserves the right to recover any direct or indirect loss caused to Otter Life App by the relevant illegal and irregular transactions through legal means.

2.5 You promise that all acts you implement in the process of using this platform are in accordance with the provisions of national laws and regulations, the relevant regulations of Otter Life App and the public interest and public morality of the society. You shall bear the corresponding consequences and the resulting legal responsibility for any acts performed under the account.

2.6 If you violate the relevant laws and regulations or any terms under this agreement and cause losses to Otter Life App or other third parties, you shall bear all the responsibility for the damages caused by it.

III. Disclaimer

  1. Otter Life App will take strict measures to protect your account security according to the existing technical conditions and standards, but due to the influence of technical limitations and objective factors, Otter Life App cannot make full guarantee for your account security. You shall bear the risk of using Otter Life App top-up service; the consequences arising from using Otter Life App top-up service shall also be borne by you, and Otter Life App shall not bear any legal responsibility for your personal behavior. If you use the service involving the products or services provided by the third party, you should negotiate with the third party to solve the problem.
  2. If Otter Life App freezes or terminates the use qualification of your account due to your violation of the terms of this agreement, Otter Life App will not make any compensation or indemnity.
  3. If the performance of this Agreement is impossible, unnecessary or meaningless due to force majeure or other unforeseen events, neither party shall be liable for breach of contract. Force majeure as referred to in this Agreement means objective circumstances that cannot be foreseen, avoided and overcome, including but not limited to war, typhoon, flood, fire, lightning strike or earthquake, strike, riot, legal disease, hacker attack, attack on the website, network virus, normal equipment maintenance of the Internet, failure of Internet connection, failure of computer, communication or other systems, power failure, computer facilities or The objective circumstances such as the inherent technical defects of the operating system software, technical control of the telecommunications department, governmental actions or any other natural or man-made disasters.

V. Other

  1. This Agreement is an integral part of the Otter Life App Software License and Service Agreement, and the relevant provisions of the Otter Life App Software License and Service Agreement shall prevail for any content not explicitly stated in this Agreement.
  2. Otter Life App reserves the right to amend or add to the content of this Agreement. The revised text of this Agreement will be announced in the Otter Life App platform or in other ways that Otter Life App deems feasible. If you continue to use the service after the revision of this agreement, you shall be deemed to agree to the latest revised agreement; if you do not agree to the relevant content or have doubts or objections to the relevant content, you shall immediately stop using the service.
  3. The laws of the People’s Republic of China shall apply to the conclusion, execution and interpretation of this Agreement and the settlement of disputes. If any provision of this Agreement is partially invalid or unenforceable for any reason, such provision will be re-analyzed as close as possible to the original intent of this Agreement, and the other provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

In the event of any conflict between this Agreement and the provisions of national laws and regulations, the provisions of such laws and regulations shall prevail.

  1. If you have a dispute with the Otter Life App operator due to the products and services under this agreement, you can give priority to friendly negotiation with the Otter Life App operator; if the negotiation fails, both parties agree to submit the dispute to the jurisdiction of the people’s court with jurisdiction in the place where this agreement is signed.
  2. The place where this agreement is signed: Yangpu District, Shanghai.